What Are Insurance Outsourcing Companies?
Insurance Outsourcing is a business practice in which an insurance company hires a third-party company to perform tasks, handle operations or provide services for the company. Insurance outsourcing companies are the service providers who handle clients’ day-to-day operations including submission-to-issue process, policy renewal processes, claims handling & accounting processes.
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Insurance Outsourcing Companies’ Regional Comparison
Different kind of Insurance Outsourcing Companies
Cover Operation is high growth company specializes in providing insurance business process back-office outsourcing solution. Our service centers based out of the Philippines and China with sound infrastructure, vast pool of skillful insurance professionals and state-of-the-art technology.
Insurance outsourcing companies’ offshore offices are located all around the world, like India, the Philippines, Central America, China, the Central US and Eastern Europe. Insurance operation teams are actually working with the staff situated in those regions. We are going to differentiate them into different levels based on their features to help with your business requirements.
Operation Quality & Services Level
If you hire a US-based retired insurance specialist to work for you, the quality of service can be perfect. As they have excellent knowledge and communication skills to handle various situations. You can also expect people in China and Eastern Europe with great understanding and standard processing to ensure your processing quality, as insurance outsourcing companies located in those areas always hire the best talent to enhance their reputations. The Philippines companies are very similar to China, but they have better English but lower efficiency than compared to Chinese. Insurance outsourcing companies in India and Central America are not that concentrate on details but can provide low-value heavy workload processes.
the Central US, Eastern Europe, China
the Philippines
India, Central America
Time Zone Difference
This is a sensitive topic as insurance operation teams are always expect a real time communication. You can refer to Does Real Time Communication Matter For Insurance Outsourcing? For the convenience of time zone, there is no doubt that the winner is the Central US and Central America. Eastern Europe has about 4 overlapping hours with America, which makes daily communication more convenient. As India and the Philippines insurance outsourcing companies often have a tradition of working in the night-shift, their time zone also make clients very comfortable. Chinese companies are in a hard situation as they are 10-13 hours ahead of American companies, their real time communication can be limited to 3-4 hours. But in most cases, both parties will schedule a meeting and mature operation support teams don’t always need instant communication.
the Central US, Central America
Eastern Europe, the Philippines, India
Consistent Services Deliverables
Qualified and consistent service deliverables are about management of insurance outsourcing companies. The core competitiveness of all modern data management service providers is delivery. This is a big topic regarding the disaster, pandemic, inflation and politics. In other words, whether remote processors living in a stable social environment will impact insurance outsourcing companies’ service deliverables.
the Central US, China
Eastern Europe, the Philippines
Central America & India
With the entire above knowledgeable tips, insurance business owners will have thoughts in mind about finding their best insurance outsourcing companies. Cover Operation is one of the top insurance BPO companies in the market.
Working with the Best Insurance Outsourcing Companies
What Are the Advantages of Utilizing Insurance Outsourcing Companies?
For insurance outsourcing, an insurance agency outsources certain tasks to third-party service providers. By outsourcing these back office tasks to the insurance outsourcing companies, the agency can focus on core activities. It helps in reducing operational costs, overcoming economic uncertainties and provides a strong foundation for expansion and growth.
Flexibility & Scalability
Insurance outsourcing companies can provide an insurance agency with immense flexibility to adapt to competition in the insurance sector, allowing the company to adapt to evolving market conditions. Business Process Outsourcing is ideal for an insurance agency: the services provided are tailored to meet your precise business requirements. As your company undergoes transformation and increases productivity, an outsourcing provider will have to scale up their own production and evolve with changing demands. Having the ability to adjust your business operations will help your company remain agile and meet your growth projections.

Focus on Core Activities
We all know that “Time is more valuable than money. You can get more money, but you cannot get more time.” So nowadays, outsourcing in the insurance industry has become very common. It enables you to focus on your core activity, which is revenue-generating.
For example, if you outsource your back office process such as policy checking, cancellation, endorsement, etc., you can focus on the underwriting team and motivate them to work more efficiently. Typically, you can plan strategies to grow your business, try to exceed customer expectations and fulfill their demands. So outsourcing is considered a time-saving strategy that helps business owners to explore their ideas and survive in this competitive business market.
Reducing the Cost of Doing Business
When you outsource your insurance back office process, you are eventually saving your operational cost. Otherwise, you need to hire an expert team, spend on infrastructure and invest in the latest software.
You will get easy access to an expert team, good infrastructure and the latest technology at a cost-effective price when you outsource. The only thing you need to do is keep in touch with your outsourcing vendor constantly and monitor their work. Without any effort, you will get your work done within the turnaround time.