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Does Hiring In-house Conflict With Insurance Outsourcing?
Does Hiring In-house Conflict With Insurance Outsourcing?

With business growth and agency development, business owners might think about hiring new staff to handle the business workload. At this moment, there are always two ideas that come to your mind, which are: hire someone in house or contract out the workload (business process outsourcing). Do these two solutions contradict each other? The Answer is No! Comp

5 Tips to Find A Qualified Insurance BPO Provider
5 Tips to Find A Qualified Insurance BPO Provider

Due to business recovery around the world, insurance firms are finding productivity improvement from outsourcing companies. There are hundreds of BPO companies in the market, most of them are not specialized in the insurance industry only. Today we would like to introduce some simple steps to help you find a qualified team. 1. Operation Manager Investigate

Insurance BPO Is Not Either-Or, You Need To Engage More Than One Service
Insurance BPO Is Not Either-Or, You Need To Engage More Than One Service

When insurance agencies select BPO vendors, it is an never alternative. You can benefit more when you engage more than one services provider for comparison. Here are a few tips for why you need to select more. 1. More Flexible Management of Operation Some insurance agencies delegate their personal line, commercial line and accounting department operation w

Three Reasons for You To Trust Insurance Outsourcing Vendors
Three Reasons for You To Trust Insurance Outsourcing Companies

Insurance business owners usually have to focus on the marketing race to earn more market share. They should treat their in-house operation team as their family. Sometimes they need to contract out some of their workload and have to rely on their back office partner. Today, we would like to share a few points for you to trust your outsourcing partners. 1.

Why You Need to Book an Insurance BPO Partner Before COVID Ends
Why You Need to Book an Insurance BPO Partner Before COVID Ends ​

2021 has been the hardest year for the world economy. Small and medium businesses went bankrupt, and large companies reduced staff which led to millions of people losing their jobs. Meanwhile, several COVID vaccines test results showed safety and boosted immune responses. We can expect the pandemic will be under control and things will reverse in the next

How Does Cover Operation Work?
How Does Cover Operation Work?

1. Understand Your Business We will take time to understand our client’s business, access requirement and operational situation. Work together with client’s key staff to analyze and create customized solutions. 2. Start New Task Testing Cover Operation service delivery manager will make recommendations, so our client&nb

What Our Client-Owned Model Looks Like
What Cover Operation’s Client-Owned Model Looks Like

Cover Operation’s client owned model can perfectly address all your concerns about traditional insurance outsourcing. You are trying to wrap your brain around what client-owned really means in this article. For medium to large sized insurance firms, it is not easy to rebuild your operation team. It is vital to establish a truly trusted and reliable p

Cover Operation's Unique Client-Owned Outsourcing Model
Cover Operation’s Unique Client-Owned Insurance Outsourcing Model

Cover Operation’s client owned model can perfectly address all your concerns about traditional insurance outsourcing. You are trying to wrap your brain around what client-owned really means in this article. For traditional insurance outsourcing, insurance business owners select vendors with either a dedicated people business model or a transaction-ba

Why You Need Our Unique Client-Owned Insurance Outsourcing Model But Don't Have
Why You Need Cover Operation’s Unique Client-Owned Insurance Outsourcing Model But Don’t Have

As insurance business owners, you are always thinking about to handle a challenging business environment. To better focus on market issues, you need a stable operation team. Today, we will explain which factors a traditional outsourcing model still bother you and see if you are ready to engage in our client-owned outsourcing model. Some of the points below